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Helpful Stuff

One thing I have found to be true, is that You are never alone in how you feel.
No matter how low, stressed, or how odd you feel in your own way right now, somewhere in the world someone understands exactly how you feel. 
One of the ways we keep ourselves in a cycle of negativity is by becoming trapped on our own, in what we think is a hell only we inhabit and understand….Let me tell you, we all have our own personal “hell”.
 As you start to read about it, draw about it, cry and write about it, you will find a multitude of people who have thought, felt and written about your emotions as if they could tell what was going on in your head! Even if you don’t feel ready to talk with or connect with anyone just yet, it helps to read or hear others stories.
Here is a list of some of the resources that spoke to me on my journey. Check ’em out

What happened to you?

By Oprah Winfrey & Bruce D Perry

The Power of Vulnerability

By Brene Brown